Our governance and economic infrastructure have always followed a biased hierarchy. A very small number of organisations and officials have had a majority of the power to make decisions and sanction changes. This centralisation of control not only makes the system inefficient but also makes room for corruption. Besides, consumers, who form the basis of every system, lack a choice and are forced to abide by the set rules.


To bring more control back in the hands of consumers, we need a decentralised form of governance and economy model.

What is a decentralised economy?

A decentralised economy is an economy where we distribute the governance ability by removing or reducing the control of middlemen such as banks and other financial intermediaries over our assets.


Blockchain and cryptocurrency are technological advancements that promise us a paradigm shift in our current economy and governance patterns. We can achieve a decentralised economy through blockchain technology.


The first use case of blockchain—cryptocurrencies—are a living example of a decentralised economic system. And as we have experienced over 10 years of their existence, it’s clear that a decentralised economic model is ready to beat the challenges that centralised systems face.

Benefits of a decentralised economy

Centralisation is a foundational hurdle with our economy. And decentralisation is the cure for it.


From the changes that we have seen cryptocurrencies bring to our economy, there are some significant benefits that the mainstream decentralisation of economy offers:

Consumer rights

The consumer-centric view is but an illusion in a centralised economic model we follow today. Financial institutions mostly set their work processes such that it is they who reap the most benefits.


On the contrary, a decentralised economy would actually keep its consumers at its core and no central entity would have enough power to single-handedly disregard their rights.

A central point of failure

A decentralised infrastructure can provide utmost security due to its lack of a central body or server which can act as a central point of failure. Hence, anyone willing to disorganise or steal the data or assets of consumers would find it practically impossible to do so.


Consumers can be well aware of every aspect of a decentralised economy as everything is registered on a public blockchain. Organisations cannot fool their consumers by making any undercover changes.

Lower Fees

Lastly, high settlement fees are a major drawback of the traditional banking systems. That would change with the decentralisation of the economy through blockchain technology, which would have much lower fees.

Alacrity Network’s Approach

Centralisation has its roots buried deep in our system. And to dig that out and lay a new foundation—a decentralised one—will take an impactful strategy, a lot of time, and easy accessibility. Alacrity Network is striving to bring about that change by reforming the way we know the internet today. 


Unlike other blockchains, where consensus is achieved through miners or nodes, Alacrity Network renders the power to govern in the hands of its users. Nodes can only operate with predefined rules while the users actually govern and finalise reforms to token economics, reward distribution, development, etc. And both nodes and voters earn block rewards for participating in the network.


Alacrity Network’s governance methodology will be a crucial first-step towards decentralising the economy. It would create a new, decentralised internet infrastructure.


As a next step, Alacrity Network would reward every decentralised application, commonly known as DApp, built on the Alacrity internet based on the number of its registered users. This would solve the issues with application monetisation and also breed a platform where the best creators earn the biggest rewards. 


With every step, the internet would work more for the users, and it will change the society and the economy as we know it.